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Barco is a global leader in professional visualization for Enterprise (from meeting, classroom and control rooms to corporate spaces), Healthcare (from the radiology department to the operating room), and Entertainment (from movie theaters to live events and attractions).
ClickShare Conference enables wireless video conferencing in any meeting space. It automatically connects you to room devices like cameras, mics, speakers, sound bars and displays. Start a meeting from your laptop in seconds, using your preferred video conferencing platform.
Make hybrid meetings easy and engaging, with just one click.
ClickShare Present is a wireless presentation solution that includes a base unit and a Button that connects to your laptop.
With ClickShare Present, meeting participants can quickly share content from their laptops in under 7 seconds with just a single click using the ClickShare App or Button, making in-person meetings more seamless and efficient.
The ClickShare video bars enable engaging, effortless wireless conferencing with any videoconferencing platform.
They deliver sharp views and crystal-clear sound, enabling easy, natural communication between remote and onsite participants in hybrid meetings.
Our solutions specialists are standing by to discuss your needs and help you succeed. Fill out the form below to have us contact you today!
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